Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why Some People Never Exercise

I'll come right out and say it: Time.... This is the number one reason many people can't squeeze exercise into their hectic life. Sure, there are many American adults who are simply unmotivated to workout, but the number one reason is lack of time.

America, despite being in a bummer of a recession, is still the #1 economy in the world. As a result, there are still millions of Americans who are overworked, carrying the workload of several people. There are also many a housewife that could run for SuperMom of the Year award, whisking kids to school, cooking 3 meals a day, ferrying kids to soccer practice, attending PTA meetings and never enjoying a moment to themselves.

Whew! What a harried pace of life we Americans do lead. No wonder 2 out 3 American adults are overweight. We do not leave time to better our temples. Temples, of course, being our bodies.

Most people think that the only way they can lose weight is by going to the gym 4-6 times a week for at least an hour.

My mission is to teach people that bouts of exercise as short as 3 minutes long, repeated at least 3 times a day, can dramatically increase energy levels, strength, and overall health.

I used to be a gym rat. I really enjoyed being at the gym for 2 hours, exercising perhaps half of the time, socializing the rest. My gym was like Cheers to me. Everybody knew my name.

But eventually, I tired of the gym. I got busier with work and other hobbies. I no longer had the time, nor the desire to be in the gym for so long.

So now, every day, I do bodyweight strengthening exercises. I do a maximum of 20 minutes at a clip, many times as few as 10 minutes. I perform exercises that give me 3 major benefits: they work on flexibility, strength and jack up my heart rate up all at once.

It's rare to be able to perform exercises that have all 3 effects. Think about it, jogging and other forms of cardio don't really work on strength, plus they can make you feel really stiff.

If you're a muscle head and only pump iron for exercise, you're only strengthening, but not lengthening the muscle fibers. Hammering out a set of bicep curls doesn't challenge the heart muscle very much either.

I pick 3 simple exercises to do throughout the day. Similar to eating 3 times a day to achieve the goal of having sustained energy throughout the day, I attempt to exercise 3 times a day. This keeps my blood flow raging like a river, unlike most people's whose blood is stagnant like a dirty swamp.

What are the 3 exercises?

  1. Wide down dog to wide upward dog
  2. Pushup to Downward Dog
  3. Hip Drive
These 3 simple exercises will keep you limber, strong and heart strong. 

Call me at 858.442.6861 or Skype: KungFuSurfer or email me at to have me demonstrate these 3 highly beneficial, simple exercises you should perform daily...

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