Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How to Get Leaner Without Working Out

Let's face it, some people just hate working out. The concept of breaking a sweat and wasting time at the gym when they could be drinking beer intimidates the "Gymophobe."

But beer-bellied boys who are planning on getting married in the near future can take solace in the fact that it's very possible to lose weight and get slimmer without touching a single weight, with the exception, of course, of 12-ounce curls.

Most people think that the key to getting a Fabio-like washboard stomach is doing hundreds of ab crunches. That couldn't be further from the truth. Truth is if you want to get leaner around your waistline, it's all about nutrition and eating smarter.

And before you get a preconceived notion that eating smarter equates to eating nothing but raw veggies and tofu, consider that many of the foods that you enjoy can still be eaten.

With the rare exception of someone who does best on a high-carbohydrate diet, most people primarily thrive on a lean-protein rich diet with healthy fats.

If a life-long weightlifter stopped strength training for the rest of their life, it's possible through nutrition alone that the weightlifter could preserve nearly all muscle gain through proper diet.

This means avoiding anything made with flour like the plague. No bread, pasta, cookies and other baked goods. If you go out to eat at an Italian restaurant, stop the waiter from placing on your table the white bread. Order instead a lean protein like chicken breast with vegetables. Skip the spaghetti entirely if you are in a race against the wedding clock.

A good grain to eat instead of pasta is Quinoa (Kee-Nwa), a high-protein grain from South America. Most health foods sell it.

Another foodstuff to avoid is snack foods that many people erroneously still regard as a health food, such as pretzels and baked potato chips.

Pretzels have flour. Flour will expand in your intestines and bloat your gut. Baked potato chips, while they might be healthier than fried chips, are still nonetheless empty calories that will go straight to your lovehandles.

The human body was designed to digest and process proteins, natural fats, fruits, vegetables and ancient grains.

If you stick to a diet of lean proteins (chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon), natural fats (avocado, olive oil, flax oil, fish oils, butter) and carbohydrates mostly in the form of vegetables and some fruit, you will begin to get leaner.

Avoid snacking on empty calories like pretzels and chips. Instead, eat some chicken or some all-natural or organic cheese and nuts. Don't worry about eating nuts and avocado. Many people avoid nuts and avocado because they are high in fat.

But natural fats are essential for organ function and protect against diseases and contain many antioxidants. It would be wise to limit all dietary fat intake but don't be duped into thinking that all fats are bad. Certain fats like Flax Oil actually help the body metabolize fat.

The way to a flatter belly is to stick to this type of nutritional protocol. If you crave something sweet, chances are you are eating the wrong foods. Stick with three meals with a balance of a handful portion-sized lean protein (all natural chicken sausage for breakfast), carbohydrates primarily in the form of vegetables (preferably fresh and lightly cooked) and natural fat (1/4 of an avocado).

If you are hungry in between meals, have a handful of nuts. Try to avoid dried fruit as this is usually very high in sugar.

A simple rule of thumb to follow when it comes to nutrition: if the food you're considering eating wasn't around 10,000 years ago, don't eat it.

Stick to this protocol and you'll be looking leaner in no time.

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