Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Top 5 Ways to Get Leaner for Summer

Now that winter appears to be over, most people are thinking about summer vacation plans. And of course, summer means less clothing and and showing more skin.

So how to shed those last stubborn 10-15 pounds in time for peak beach season?

These 5 ways will help.

1. Stop eating the wrong foods!

- How do you know what the wrong foods are? When it comes to nutrition, there is no black or white. One food, say, red meat for example, may help one person get leaner, while it may actually lead to weight gain in someone else. An online questionnaire called Metabolic Typing can help you figure out which foods your body prefers to use for fuel. For those who do the advanced questionnaire, you'll get a 300-item food list telling you which foods to eat regularly and which ones to avoid. If you're interested in doing the test, contact me for some important details.

2. Exercise 3 Times Per Day!

-If you really want to boost your metabolism, you obviously need to exercise. Even if you workout for an hour every morning, try to add a brief workout at lunch and then again in the evening. Ten minutes is sufficient if you pick exercises that challenge the whole body and gets your heart rate up.

3. Green Tea

- Consuming green tea is an easy way to boost your metabolism throughout the day. It's a good alternative for coffee drinkers as its caffeine spike isn't as dramatic as coffee's; its released more slowly. If you're not a fan of drinking green tea, there are plenty of supplements that have green tea extract.

4. Eat Fat To Help Break Down Fat

-Flax seed is a healthy natural fat with many health benefits, including aiding in the metabolizing of fats. Try to buy a flax seed or oil with high lignan content. Add it to smoothies or salads or yogurt.

5. Mix it up

-If your exercise routine involves lots of walking or jogging, you need to challenge your muscles more by picking a different exercise. Far more effective than walking or running on a flat surface is hiking or doing brief sprints (with a good warmup) on an incline. You'll burn way more calories, get in better shape, and boost your metabolism.

*****Extra Tip: Make sure your hormones are balanced. A simple adrenal function lab test (which I offer) can tell you if your hormones are balanced. If not, your metabolism will definitely be negatively impacted. Highly functioning metabolism goes hand in hand with balanced hormones.

Stick to these principles and you'll likely see those last stubborn pounds melt off in time for summer.

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