Friday, July 29, 2011

How to Treat Chronic Fatigue Naturally

Many people who feel sluggish chug down energy drinks or triple espressos to fire up their engines. But after a while, a vicious cycle develops. The more stimulants you need to get your juices flowing, the more fatigued your adrenals will be.

To cope with the stressors of life like work and kids, people who rely on these stimulants frequently are stressing out their body's multiple symptoms, which are all affected by how effectively your adrenals are functioning.

Those with chronic fatigue syndrome suffer from the following symptoms:

  • recurring sore throats
  • poor sleep cycles
  • muscle fatigue and weakness
  • pain in the joints and lymph nodes
  • poor post-workout recovery
Western medicine does not have a cause for chronic fatigue syndrome, but those who practice natural wellness have some theories, including dormant viruses in the body.

Depression, excessive exercise, emotional stress, food allergies and sensitivities and environmental factors can all cause chronic fatigue. 

So how to find the root cause if someone has chronic fatigue syndrome? First, start with food. Almost all chronic disease stems from poor food choices spanning several years, if not decades. Get tested for food allergies, have your blood type taken and begin to eliminate and severely restrict foods you are allergic to. 

Supplement with high doses of Vitamins C, B12, magnesium, glutamine or gluathione (the former of which is great for post-workout recovery) and B complexes.

You may want to get a vitamin shot instead of taking oral supplements, as this will work much faster. 

Find a natural wellness practitioner who can help you test and correct hormonal imbalances and adrenal levels. 

Consider also the everyday household products you use, from cooking to cleaning. Do they contain toxic ingredients? A collection of about a dozen household plants can dramatically negate the effects of toxins in the house. Need to find out what they are? Email me at to find out what they are.

If you are having trouble recuperating after exercising, mellow out your exercise routine and start taking a gentle yoga class. 

This would be a good start for someone to reverse their chronic fatigue syndrome. Pass this advice on to anybody you know who suffers from it. Let's all be health coaches and do our part to drive down insane health insurance costs!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Thank you so much to share this wonderful information with us about chronic fatigue natural treatment. Hope you share more details with us for Fatigue and its other treatments.

    I heard about some medicine like Anxiety or anxiolytic agents, so what is it ?

    Thank You.
    Chronic Pain Treatment
