Friday, December 10, 2010

4 Supplements to Consider Taking on a Daily Basis

People often ask me what supplements I take. But before I get into the specifics of my personal supplementation, keep in mind that everybody is different. So before you start popping pills, just because I told you, or any other health "expert" says to, investigate on your own. 

That being said, here are some supplements I take on a daily basis. 

Sea Salt with Trace Minerals

I wrote a previous post on why supplementing with a sea salt/trace mineral product is beneficial. To summarize, trace minerals act like the spark plugs for your cells. Many people experience fatigue on a daily basis for a variety of reasons, including chronic stress. Chronic stress zaps the body of important electrolytes like potassium and sodium. So, many of us are deficient in trace minerals and good salts.

I'm particular to Redmond's Real Salt as it contains over 60 trace minerals, which most of us aren't getting from our inadequate diets. Trace Minerals and real sea salt helps regulate blood sugar levels; regulates heart beat; helps balance Ph levels; can help stimulate thyroid production (your thyroid helps regulate metabolism); can help prevent muscle cramps, and other benefits. 

I sprinkle some on my food or after exercising, I'll even sprinkle some in water. Anybody who does long-distance running should pour a liberal amount into their water. 

Digestive Enzymes

While I'm partial to Peppermint as an efficient digestive enzyme, there are dozens of good enzymes on the market. Digestive enzymes break down the food in the body so that the nutrients can be absorbed. Enzymes are present in the food you eat which is why there is great importance placed upon having plenty of raw foods in the diet. I eat plenty of cooked food, especially in the winter when a salad doesn't warm the blood as much as a good pot roast.

Due to chronic stress, the body has to rely too much on its own digestive enzymes. The result is more stress placed on your system and organs leaving less time and energy for other jobs such as rebuilding and replacing damaged cells and tissue and keeping your immune system strong.


Unless you're a doctor, stop using anti-bacterial soap. Bacteria isn't a bad thing, in fact, our guts are colonized with plenty of helpful bacteria that perform a lot of beneficial functions, like keeping our immune system strong. If you eat fried foods and other unhealthy fare, definitely consider adding probiotics to your daily routine. 

Beware, though. Not all probiotics are created equal and if your system is deficient in good bacteria, you may actually need to pre-colonize your gut with prebiotics. Sound confusing? Yes, it is. In other words, some probiotics will be insufficient to repopulate the gut with good bacteria. I prefer a 20 billion organism count per day. (I take one pill that's 10 billion organisms in the morning; the other 10 at night). 

Vitaminn C

Colds and flus survive more easily in cold weather. Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, has many benefits, including keeping the immune system strong. People ask me about orange juice. I say ditch it or at least make sure you eat some fat and protein to prevent blood sugar crashes. Better yet, just eat an orange and/or plenty of leafy green vegetables. I also pop one or two 500mg Vit. C pills per day to make sure my immune system gets that extra protection. Vitamin C toxicity is possible so don't overdo it. 

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