Friday, September 10, 2010

How to Eliminate Back Pain and Stiffness

Several back pain sufferers--of which there are millions--take a "woe is me" attitude when it comes to their physical discomfort. They merely think that it's just fate that makes them feel 150 years-old when they get out of bed in the morning, that somehow, their destiny or God's hand, has dealt them a bum card in life.

Those who do want to do something to alleviate the pain, unfortunately, are duped into thinking by the medical community that surgery is the only option.

Even if surgery eventually lessens the pain, albeit at a cost of thousands of dollars and the risk of complications, the back pain sufferer who elects to go under the knife will perhaps only enjoy short-lived positive results.

If you want to avoid lower back pain, the simple answer is that it's going to take daily effort to reverse the pain and then stay pain-free.

It doesn't take an expert in physiology or kinesiology to "diagnose" the causes of lower back pain. Most injuries or chronic muscle pains or spasms occur from muscular imbalances. So without having to take out a hundred thousand dollars in student loans and getting a fancy degree, what is the most common cause of back pain?

If you said an imbalance and weakness in the deep abdominal muscles, you've just saved yourself 100 grand.

It's fairly easy to mitigate and possibly even totally reverse debilitating back pain. Are you ready to work at it every day?

One of my personal heroes, a guru, you could even call him, is almost 90-year old surf icon Dorian Paskowitz, who wrote a book called "Surfing for Health" (available for purchase online at, in which his most memorable words for me are: "To truly achieve a superior state of well being takes a daily commitment."

Amen, Doc! Despite some bum knees and a replaced hip, Doc still surfs (see below).

So how to apply Doc's wisdom to back pain?

Every day, do something to strengthen your abdominal core. Don't do dozens of situps as that is a waste of time and recruits too much of the hip flexor muscles. Incorporate a daily stretching and strengthening routine. As few as 5 minutes upon rising or going to bed is all it takes.

If you're ready to take the plunge and get rid of back pain, email me  and I'll gladly be of service--but only if you're committed to a daily practice (at least 5 days a week).

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